Welcome to Rolling Hills Arabians and Farm Tours

If you are looking for a fun afternoon for trail rides, farm tours or riding lessons, Rolling Hills Arabians & Farm Tours is the place to be. We are located just north of the Minneapolis/St. Paul area located 3 miles west of Mille Lacs Lake and Grand Casino Get Directions. To schedule your by appointment only horse riding lesson, trail ride or farm tour, contact Ruth at (320) 630-8438 (cell).

About Our Farm

Farm Tours, Trail Rides and Horse Riding Lessons

At Rolling Hills Farm, we teach a comprehensive view that gets you prepared to own your own horse, enhances your relationship with your horse or just simply provides a safe and fun experience for adults or children.

We are here to prepare you for a nice trail ride. A short riding lesson is provided before we go on the trail. We also have a petting zoo with friendly animals onsite.

To schedule your by appointment only horse riding lesson, trail ride or farm tour, contact Ruth at (320) 630-8438 (cell).

Farm Tours, Trail Rides and Lessons are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
Rolling Hills Arabian Horses and Farm Tours